1. Log In to Your Account
    • Open the app on your device.
    • Enter your username and password to log in to your account.
  2. Access Account Settings
    • Navigate to the main menu, typically found in the top left or right corner of the app.
    • Select “Settings” or “Account Settings” from the menu options.
  3. Go to Privacy or Data Management Section
    • Within the settings menu, look for a section related to privacy or data management. This could be labeled as “Privacy Settings”, “Manage Data”, “Account Privacy”, etc.
  4. Find the Data Deletion Option
    • Under the privacy or data management section, find the option for data deletion. This might be phrased as “Delete My Data”, “Remove Account”, or “Erase Personal Information”.
  5. Review Data Deletion Information
    • Before proceeding, carefully read any information provided about what data will be deleted. This may include your account details, personal data, app settings, and other associated information. Ensure you understand what data is being deleted and what, if any, data might remain.
  6. Confirm Data Deletion
    • If you wish to proceed, you might need to enter your password again or provide additional verification to confirm your identity.
    • Select the confirm or delete button to initiate the data deletion process.
  7. Receive Confirmation
    • After you’ve confirmed the deletion, the app should provide a notification confirming that your data has been deleted.
    • You may receive an email confirmation for additional verification and for your records.
  8. Log Out and Uninstall the App (Optional)
    • After deleting your data, log out of the app.
    • If you no longer wish to use the app, you can uninstall it from your device.

Important Notes:

By following these steps, you can ensure that your personal data is completely removed from our app. Thank you for using our services, and we hope to assist you in any way necessary during this process.